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All dem Rants

I’m often frustrated with what’s going on in the software industry and from now on will be typing it out to let it go. That’s an easy dub for all of us: I blow off some steam and you get some deconstruction and the occasional chuckle. What can I say except you’re welcome?


Go KonMari on your SQL queries, bruh!
··1771 words·9 mins
Bestest-Practices Jpa Unfold Before You Code
Let’s dive into the mess that we get ourselves into when naively relying on JPA and its implementations and see how to generate nothing else but SQL statements that spark joy! Spring Data, JPA, Hibernate got our backs though to avoid such a mess, right? HELL NO! All they do is teach you a lesson to not rely on other systems without verifying the fundamentals functioning as expected yourself! There is ALWAYS pitfalls and you do not want to iron out those kinks in production.
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Go Big or Go Home - The Beauty of the Monolith
··1988 words·10 mins
Architecture Don't Believe the Hype I'm Simple & I Know It
The microservices hype is 4 real, but also completely unjustified. Netflix somehow claims to have pulled it off and suddenly everyone is slaying perfectly good monoliths into tiny pieces just to secure a spot on the bandwagon. But, microservices are out there to hurt you, just wait and see. Meanwhile, monolithic architectures who have always been kind to us have gone out of fashion without any good reason. As Public Enemy said it best: ‘Don’t Believe the Hype’.
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